sunnuntai 22. syyskuuta 2013

Summer selections

I had three gigs as SUOHUMALA. They were on successive weekends 24.8.-6.9. First one was at Konttiaukio, Kalasatama:

(photo: Niina Putkonen)

I also held same time at Konttiaukio pop-up-exhibition in one of the containers. These were coal and acrylic works on cardboard:

This one is called "Great Wave":

Of course I spent some time this summer near big waves, doing vanishing coal-drawings:

(photo: Niina Putkonen)

And I did poster for Elofest Kivinokka-beachparty (background is detail from one of my new esoteric-nature-painting):

...By the way, there's new painting, "Kissanpäivät" at Rikhardinkadun Taidelainaamo, Helsinki:

keskiviikko 21. elokuuta 2013

perjantai 31. toukokuuta 2013

Blue Hills

New watercolour and Indian ink-work,
from 2013, "Blue Hills" ("Siniset rinteet")
rentable at Rikhardinkadun taidelainaamo,

torstai 16. toukokuuta 2013

Experimental Fantasy

There's a small installation, hanging on the
shop-window at Viherniemenkatu 5-7, Helsinki
(behind Hakaniemi-square),
until end of May, 2013.

This is first glimpse of my new
"Experimental Fantasy"-series, which
is entirely black and white.

"Experimental fantasy" has started to
evolve around  notion that computer-generated
fantasy-art is incredible boring and dull
and lacks of fresh ideas and views
(as almost all popular-culture in this
age of smartphone-idiotism...)

This is quite contradictory to the
very idea of "fantasy", which has had
a strong link to imagination and all
kinds of boundless realms.
In order to play with these fantasy-powers,
one has to be in clear state of mind,
which is why I have chosen to do my art
without help of brain-shrinking computers.  

torstai 3. tammikuuta 2013

Inner Light Orchestra

Finally, after many idle years planning there's out now
PEARL MOON-cd with my cover art...

I have to confess that I don't have no idea where this
progressive-rock-explosion might be purchased...